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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cost-benefit analysis of UIDAI

At the main page for this project, there is a paper, the full spreadsheet where you can modify assumptions and explore alternative variants of the calculations, a video of the presentation, a non-technical summaries, and some media treatment of this work.

Did the Indian capital controls work as a tool for macroeconomic policy

A recent article: Did the Indian capital controls work as a tool for macroeconomic policy, Ila Patnaik and Ajay Shah. IMF Economic Review, page 439--464, volume 60, 2012.

At the main page for this paper, you will find all the materials: a video presentation, PDF paper, link into the journal, a compact summary on voxEU.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Modified dates for financial law seminar

In consideration of a number of requests for extension of the last date for paper submission for Financial Law & Policy: An Inter-disciplinary Approach, the dates for submission of paper and intimation of shortlisted papers have been extended which are as follows:

Crucial Dates

  • The last date for submission of the completed paper: November 12, 2012 (23.59 hrs)
  • Intimation of shortlisted papers: November 20, 2012
  • Date of the seminar: December 01, 2012

Other details about the seminar are as provided in my earlier post.